Legal Advocacy & Information, Stories
Over the last five decades Archway has provided a significant number of legal aid and legal advocacy services, and these community supports didn’t stop during COVID-19. When lockdown guidelines were implemented by the Province of BC, many legal services were put on...
Diversity Education, Immigrant Integration, Indigenous, Stories
Back in 1999, people in the Fraser Valley were starting to talk. They were concerned about incidents of racism and discrimination, and keen to do something about it. In response, a number of local organizations collaborated to benefit the community by responding to...
Counselling, Family & Children, Funding, Immigrant Integration, News, Press Release
A $10,000 grant from CN will fund a domestic violence prevention program specifically geared towards Punjabi-speaking immigrant men. Courtyard for Men offers eight psychoeducational therapy group sessions in Punjabi with licensed counsellors who teach effective...
Family & Children, Staff, Stories
Reg Unrau has been with Abby Dads for nearly 10 years; joining in the ‘early days’ of the program which supports local fathers as they endeavour towards healthier relationships with their families. The program was initially a part of the New Beginnings Young Parent...
Diversity Education, News, Staff
Archway Community Services stands by its June 15th statement of support on the Black Lives Matter movement. The statement that “all lives matter” suggests or assumes that equality has already happened. This ideal is still very far from the reality for people...