Family & Children, Food Security, Fundraisers, News
The Archway Toys for Tots Christmas Breakfast presented by Clarion Hotel was another wonderful year of seeing the community respond with care for children in need at Christmas. We are happy to announce that together we raised $52,500 and 2,400 toys for Archway...
Stories, Supportive Housing and Homelessness Prevention, Youth
“It felt like having a family where you hadn’t had one before,” shared Darren* a youth who stayed at Archway Autumn House a few years ago. Since 2010, 141 youth in care like Darren have found a home at Autumn House, a program of the Archway Youth Resource Centre...
Family & Children, News, Seniors
An Archway Food Bank program is searching for individuals and organizations to help make Christmas a little brighter for hundreds of families and seniors in Abbotsford. The Archway Christmas Neighbour program matches families and seniors with a Christmas Neighbour who...
Donors, In It Together, News
Nick Taylor donated $35,000 to Archway Community Services to help keep In It Together, an anti-gang youth program running. $25,000 of the donation came from the funds raised by the Nick Taylor Charity Classic with another $10,000 coming directly from Nick and Andie...