
Help Keep Youth Out of Gangs

Archway’s In It Together Program works with youth (ages 11-25) who are at high risk of being involved in organized crime and gangs. IIT provides individual case management, youth outreach, parent and youth groups, as well as wrap-around services like recreation, essential skills and counselling.

IIT matches youth with youth workers from similar backgrounds whenever possible, with a focus on Indigenous and South Asian cultures, so they can provide culturally relevant support. 

In It Together has lost its government funding and is at risk of being shut down. This is despite the program’s success and the high need for services in Abbotsford to keep youth out of gang involvement.

Please donate to help keep this program running so youth and their families have the support and interventions needed to avoid gang life. This helps make our communities safer for everyone. 

“I had this ideology that this group I was in was the most important. This group was going to set me up as a man. I was so misguided. It took me time, but once I understood, I knew I was going down the wrong path.”

IIT Participant