
Eagle’s Nest Infant & Toddler Daycare

Please note that the program is currently full and the waitlist is closed.

Our infant/toddler program works around the needs of the children. This includes eating, sleeping and activities that promote the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical (fine and gross motor) well-being of both the individual child and the group. Materials and activities revolve around the interests of the children.

The philosophy of the program focuses on emergent curriculum, using inquiry and critical thinking to engage children in their learning. Pedagogical narrations is used as a tool to document the interests of the children.

Throughout the children’s day they will have the opportunities for developing the following skills:

  • Fine motor – manipulatives, art, puzzles, loose parts etc.
  • Gross motor – inside and outside
  • Socialization – including stories, music, literacy etc.
  • Art – non-structured art that focuses on fine motor skills and creativity
  • Social Emotional Regulation – use of the CALM curriculum

Children will eat and nap on their own schedule. Staff work with families to look at the needs of both the child and the needs of the family.

Children participate in outdoor play to twice a day (morning and afternoon) for approximately an hour each time. The specific times may vary to accommodate children’s feeding and napping schedules.

Eagle’s Nest Care Plan

The Eagle’s Nest Early Learning Centre is dedicated to the principles provided in the Early Learning Framework:

  • Children are strong, capable in their uniqueness and full of potential.
  • Families have the most important role in contributing to children’s well-being and learning.
  • Educators are researchers and collaborators.
  • Early years spaces are inclusive.
  • People build connection and reconnection to land, culture, community, and place.
  • Environments are integral to well-being and learning.
  • Play is integral to well-being and learning.
  • Relationships are the context for well-being and learning.
  • Learning is holistic.

The Eagle’s Nest Learning Centre believes in the importance of understanding and engaging in the process of Truth, and Reconciliation. Staff and children will be provided opportunities to explore the heritage and importance of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples.


  • Full time and part-time spaces are offered dependent on availability
    • Part-time spaces must be on set days as we do not have the capacity for flexible schedules 


  • $10.00 per day
  • $200 per month

Daily Schedule:

  • 7:00 am – Opening
  • 11:30 am – Lunch
  • 12:00pm – 3:00pm – Naptimes within this period
  • 6:00 pm – Closing

Learn more about the Eagle’s Nest Early Learning Centre at the Irene Kelleher Totí:ltawtxw Elementary School, including how to apply for a spot.