


A legacy gift has the ability to change countless lives of those living in your community. We’ve been helping in this community for over 50 years – and plan to be here for many more! You will save on taxes and help your city, we’d be happy to show you how.

Create a Plan That Works for You

Legacy planning will help you do the following: 

  • Minimize or even  Eliminate Taxes  on your estate.  
  • Avoid Double Taxation  on certain retirement accounts.  
  • Bypass  paying upfront  Capital Gains Taxes  when selling your investments. 
  • Convert assets into an  Income You Can’t Outlive  and leave a  Lasting Legacy 
  • Our Government Wants You  to  Save Taxes  and leave more to  Your Family & Loved Ones!

    Talk to your financial planner about how you can leave a legacy and make the most of your gift.

Your Gift Has Impact!

Interested to hear about the impact of your gift can make?

Talk to Cindy at 236-380-1262 or email your interest to cindy.walker@archway.ca

Meet Your Philanthropy Team

We’re here to assist you in meeting your community impact goals! From giving a one time gift, to securing your legacy, to sponsoring an event, to finding service opportunities – we’re here to help.

Cindy Walker

Cindy Walker

Philanthropy Manager

Tracy Rahn

Tracy Rahn

Fund Development Coordinator, Annual Giving

Sandra Charpentier

Sandra Charpentier

Donor Services Coordinator