Recipients of the 2024 Community Builders Awards
Event videos are available at the bottom of article
Three local individuals and three organizations were honoured at the annual Archway Community Builders’ Awards on Thursday, November 7th at the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium.
“Our team gets to see thousands of unsung heroes who quietly commit themselves to building up our community. Tonight, we have the honor of recognizing 18 amazing individuals and organizations who strengthen the fabric of our community with their leadership,” said Rod Santiago, Archway Central Executive Officer in his opening speech to the 150 attendees.
“Together through your tireless volunteering, passion for helping others and boundless community spirit, we can build a stronger and more supportive Abbotsford for everyone. It’s a dream we all share, and it takes all of us working together for it to come true.” said Mayor Ross Siemens in his speech.
“It is easy for acts of kindness to go unrecognized and overlooked, but they are important reminders of the goodness in our community. Thank you to Archway for bringing these community builders together and for the work that they do to our attention.”
In her speech, Pamela Chatry, Archway Board Vice-President and Committee Chair thanked the organizing committee, volunteers, board and staff who helped make the event happen with a special mention to the sponsors, FortisBC and Hub International, for helping grow the event from its humble beginnings in 2006.
The event was emceed by Dr. Khyati Shetty, the Director of the School of Business at the University of the Fraser Valley. She shared her experience moving to Canada four years ago and the welcoming environment she found.
“This is a city where I watch people come together in the face of every challenge. Battle everything that things have thrown at them, whether it was the floods, the fires, and this is a city where I watched farmers risk their lives to save their livestock, who they call family during the floods. This is a city where I’ve watched people of all faiths work side by side and celebrate each other’s differences.
“While the city may not have the tallest buildings or the largest malls, it certainly has the biggest hearts and it’s all of you, the community builders who made this city, just not a place to live but a place that I today call home.”
Awards were given in the Community Builders Category, which recognizes long-term community service, and the Emerging Community Builders category which recognized those who may be younger, new to the Fraser Valley or have recently started giving back.
Emerging Community Builders’ Award Recipient
- Gurkeerat Singh Kang
Community Builders’ Award Recipients (Individuals)
- Brian Neufeld
- Dao Tran
Community Builders’ Award Recipient (Corporate Organizations)
- Abbotsford Canucks
Community Builders’ Award Recipients (Community Organizations)
- BC Muslim Association – Abbotsford Branch
- Central Heights Church
Thank you to our Gold Sponsor FortisBC and Supporting Sponsor Hub International

Event Photographer: Dale Klippenstein

Mayor Ross Siemens spoke at the event
Tonight, we have the honor of recognizing 18 amazing individuals and organizations who strengthen the fabric of our community with their leadership.”
Gurkeerat Singh Kang
Gurkeerat Singh Kang received the Emerging Community Builder Award for his kindness and passion in volunteering at Foundry Abbotsford and the University of the Fraser Valley.
“A place is only as good as the people in it and Foundry would not be as special as it is without the contributions from volunteers like Kang,” shared Jade Randhawa, a Foundry Abbotsford staff member who introduced him.
“I’ve been a settler here, since the last two years, and all I’ve felt is just welcome. I really want to thank Foundry Abbotsford, the University of the Fraser Valley and Abbotsford ESS for giving me the chance to volunteer and give back to the community and learn and grow.”

Brian Neufeld
Gary McCaskill, a previous Community Builder Award recipient, talked about Neufeld’s dedication to sponsoring numerous events including the Archway Charity Golf Tournament through his business, Zone Garage. Neufeld gives employment opportunities to young athletes and encourages his staff and contacts to join him in volunteering at the Archway Food Bank every month, including an annual Christmas event at the Food Bank Warehouse.
Neufeld explained how he was motivated to give back and help his four children understand the value of community.

Dao Tran
Dao Tran was recognized for giving back through selfless volunteering throughout the community and generous financial support of organizations including Archway.
Gwen Settle, a previous Community Builder Award recipient herself, introduced Tran at the event. She shared that Tran moved to Abbotsford in 1985 after escaping Vietnam and that Tran “is so grateful to live in Canada and especially to live in Abbotsford. He feels that Abbotsford has given him so much that he wants to give back to this community he loves. He is the most prolific volunteer giving of his time and money to many organizations.”
Tran thanked his family, Settle for being an inspiration, the church that sponsored his immigration and his employer who eventually sold him the Abby Bike Shop after working there for 32 years.

Abbotsford Canucks
The Abbotsford Canucks received a Community Builder’s Award for their incredible support of the Abbotsford community, including partnering with Archway to fund vital programs, host events and give back through volunteering.
Former Archway Board President, Steve Carlton, thanked the Abbotsford Canucks for their support and being “all in” since the beginning and supporting the Archway Charity Golf Tournament, Toys for Tots, and Christmas Bureau.
“Over the past four years, we have felt this community embrace us with open arms and it truly demonstrates Abbotsford’s ability to rally together for a common purpose,” said Cambree Lovesey on behalf of the Abbotsford Canucks. “Sports and specifically hockey, is something that brings people together despite living in a world that feels so divided. These days we take this responsibility of being an active and engaged part of our community extremely seriously, and Abbotsford has given us so many opportunities and Archway as well.”

BC Muslim Association – Abbotsford Branch
The Abbotsford Branch of the BC Muslim Association was recognized for their steadfast dedication to providing newcomers of all backgrounds with food, translation, medical care and transportation.
The organization’s work with refugees was introduced by Archway staff member Mirela Gigovic.
“When people arrive here as refugees, they’re not just starting over fresh. It’s not just a new chapter. It’s like a new book to them. They’re navigating a journey marked by pain, by loss, by sadness. The weight of leaving everything behind. The language is different. The customs are different. The childhood home is gone, and the friendships and community that once surrounded them are now memories. Many of those who came to us didn’t want to leave, but they had to.
But when they do arrive in Abbotsford, the BCMA is always here and they’re offering kindness and help and showing these newcomers that even here, far from home, they belong.”
BCMA Chairperson Dr. Tahir Khalid spoke about how they started welcoming refugee families back in 2017 in partnership with Archway when the Syrian refugees began arriving.
“This kind of work that is being done is not going to be possible by just one organization. So, everybody has to collaborate and communicate with each other to get this done.”

Central Heights Church
Central Heights Church received an award for their long-term partnership with Archway and providing space, volunteers and resources to support newcomers, children, parents and more.
Brian Robertson, Archway Board Secretary and Executive Pastor at the Seven Oaks Alliance Church spoke about Central Heights’ visibility in the community, not just from their location but because of their many services and partnerships. He called Central Heights Women’s Centre, their crown jewel, and shared how the centre works closely with Archway and provides clothing, classes and community to those in need. Central Heights lends space to the Archway Christmas Bureau and Starfish programs, as well as a unique homeless shelter for older adults.
Rushia Klassen, the Central Heights Women’s Pastor shared, “community walking together is better than being alone. We don’t want people to feel lonely. We want them to know they belong. That they’re valued, they’re seen, we hear them and we’re going to do whatever we can to make sure that we make life a little easier for them as they walk this journey.”

Shetty wrapped up the event with an inspiring message, “every nominee, every recipient, every volunteer and every person here tonight, you are the voice of hope. The hand of kindness and heart that inspires people to do more and give back, and also believe in the power of connection. Here’s to the future. We’re all going to build together: one step, one act and one heart at a time.”
In his closing speech, Santiago quoted the Honourable Murray Sinclair, who passed away the same week as the awards.
“We must never give up the responsibility of doing what we can, when we can. The teaching that I have learned is, at the end of my life, I will be turned around on my spirit journey. They will turn me around and they will make me look back on the trail that I created in this world.”
Santiago continued, “Tonight we have honored the individuals and groups who, when they turn around, will be able to see the beautiful, life changing trails that they’ve created for others in our world. You heard their words and you witnessed their examples.”

Khyati Shetty – Event Emcee
Event Recap
Thank you to Sameer from VFS Creative who volunteered his time and talents to create this video.