
Archway Community Services provides Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) support. From the day Government-Assisted Refugees arrive, they are greeted by the RAP team at their temporary lodgings.  

A needs assessment is conducted to see what support is needed in each case. For up to six weeks, staff help the individuals with; health care, life skills, resources available, filling out essential paperwork and forms as well as connecting them to other settlement services. A housing coordinator works with them to secure long-term housing.  

The Government of Canada provides direct financial support including a one-time start up allowance and monthly income support for up to a year or until the clients can support themselves.  

After the initial support through the Resettlement Assistance Program, refugees will be supported by the Archway Moving Ahead Program (MAP). MAP provides one to one support for immigrants or refugees who are facing multiple barriers to successful settlement into Canada for up to 18 months. 

Archway will be providing services to all Government-Assisted Refugees settling in the Fraser Valley. Refugees can be from any country although many will be from Afghanistan initially.

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