Engagement opportunities, activities, and experiences for adults with diverse abilitiesDiscovery
The Discovery Program assists adults, 19 and older who are diagnosed with diverse abilities, with increasing self-esteem, socialization skills, and increasing their independence. Discovery provides opportunities to participate in a variety of community activities, including volunteer work experience. Our program is participant-centered, and our daily activities are designed to reflect individualized client interests and goals.
Discovery Program participants pay for most of their daily community activities. Participants are provided with a monthly activity schedule and will know in advance of upcoming activities and the cost of each. Participants can indicate if they wish to participate.
Our Program Goals:
- To encourage and support individuals of all abilities to live fulfilling, interactive, and productive lives
- To provide a supportive environment which offers a wide variety of engagement opportunities, activities, and experiences
- To inspire individuals in identifying and achieving great personal goals & objectives
- To foster the development of skills, leading to increased independence and autonomy
- To promote and stimulate the formation of healthy peer relationships, which then can be self-sustained in the broader community
- To provide volunteer, pre-employment, and work opportunities
Who We Help
To be eligible for our Discovery Program;
- Participants must be a minimum of 19 years of age
- Be diagnosed with a developmental disability
- Be registered with CLBC and be referred by their office
- Be motivated to participate in a Community Inclusion program with daily group activities
To Join Discovery
- The Discovery program is funded by Community Living BC (CLBC)
- Interested applicants must contact CLBC (604.870.5900) to make an appointment to discuss participating in our Discovery program
- CLBC will then make a referral to our Discovery program for eligible participants
- Our Discovery program will schedule an intake meeting with the interested participant and their respective parent/caregiver
In Partnership With:

“I love coming to the Discovery program and going for coffee with my friends.”
Did You Know?
“I can’t believe how smooth the transition to this program has been. My daughter really seems to look forward to attending.”
Contact Info
Hours of Operation
8:30am – 3:30pm
Monday – Friday
Archway Community Services
300A-32555 Simon Avenue,
Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 4Y2
Discovery Participants and Events
Meet some of the Participants
Jill’s Journey with Archway’s Discovery Program
Jill enjoys the people and fun things she gets to do in our Discovery program.
Donna’s Journey with the Discovery Program: A New Chapter of Helping Others
Donna has been a part of our Discovery program since 1997 and is now helping her fellow participants in the program.
From STAR to Success: Bella’s Journey with Archway’s Community Living Programs
From karaoke to learning new life skills in the Discovery program