
Diversity Education

Promotes cross-cultural understanding and learning within our community

Diversity Education and Resource Services

Diversity Education promotes cross-cultural understanding and learning within our community through:

  • Workshops and trainings
  • An extensive resource lending library
  • Providing assistance and consulting in policy development & organizational change
  • Coordinating the Abbotsford Local Immigration Partnership and Fraser Valley Human Dignity Coalition (see below)

Ongoing workshops are facilitated for businesses, community organizations, school classes, and youth & adult programs.

Examples of Workshop Topics

  • Racism
  • Anti-racism response training
  • Stereotypes & biases
  • Diversity awareness
  • Anti-homophobia & challenging heterosexism
  • Responding to discrimination
  • Diversity in media, marketing, and communication
  • Hiring for diversity

Who We Help

  • We provide workshops for any interested groups
  • Anyone who has experienced discrimination is welcome to contact the office for support, resources, and referrals

To Access Diversity Education

    Did You Know?

    We have been providing diversity education since the late 1970s and Archway has been providing services for the community since 1969.

    Fraser Valley Human Dignity Coalition

    The Fraser Valley Human Dignity Coalition (FVHDC) is a group of community stakeholders & concerned citizens that works to address issues of hate and biased activities in Abbotsford. The coalition:

    • Promotes community partnerships
    • Supports victims of hate and bigotry
    • Provides citizens with public awareness & education opportunities

    Abbotsford Local Immigration Partnership

    Archway Community Services has developed the Abbotsford Local Immigration Partnership Council to involve people who work in different sectors (such as health, education, real estate, and agriculture) in planning for the successful integration of more than 1,000 newcomers who arrive in this city each year and the many new immigrants who live in the Fraser Valley.

    The Partnership Council is a group of business and community leaders who represent a variety of sectors and areas of expertise. The main work of the Partnership Council is to oversee the development of a local newcomer-settlement strategy and action plan, with the ultimate goal of factoring immigrant settlement and integration into the broader community planning process.

    For more info: Abbotsford Local Immigration Partnership Website

    Supports for Victims of Racism

    In collaboration with United Way BC, Archway’s Diversity Education department will be providing support for victims of racism. The Victims of Racism Support Worker will be receiving referrals from United Way’s Racist Incident Helpline.

    The Racist Incident Helpline was developed by the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Branch of the B.C. Ministry of Attorney General, in partnership with United Way British Columbia, and works with specialized community organizations throughout BC.

    The Victims of Racism Support Worker will:

    • Provide a culturally safe and trauma-informed space to engage in meaningful conversations to unpack the impact of the experience (can be on the phone, online, or in-person)
    • Coordinate and gathers communities for resilience workshops and healing circles
    • For more information email Melissa.Ly@archway.ca

    If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed a racist incident you may call the Racist Incident Helpline

    Contact Info

    604.859.7681 Ext: 270

    If it is a violent incident of discrimination, please call 911.


    Pickup Times

    8:30am – 4:30pm
    Monday – Friday

    Some groups run later as well


    Archway Community Services
    2420 Montrose Avenue
    Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S9

    In Partnership with:

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