
Moving Ahead Program

One-to-one support for newcomers who are facing multiple barriers

Moving Ahead Program (MAP)

The Moving Ahead Program provides one-to-one support for immigrants or refugees who are facing multiple barriers to successful settlement into Canada.

Moving Ahead is a collaborative, case-managed service model for the delivery of comprehensive, holistic, and client-centered programming. Our program chiefly utilizes outreach and in-home consultation and support as a foundation for service delivery to the multi-barrier refugees and immigrants in Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, and Aldergrove.

Services include:

  • Intake and in-home assessment
  • Case management of individual client files
  • Settlement information and counselling
  • Practical assistance & supported access to services
  • Support groups and workshops
  • Life skills, literacy and essential skills development

Who We Help

This program is for high needs and high-risk immigrant adults and families in Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, and Aldergrove. We help:

  • Permanent Residents of Canada
  • A Protected Person as defined by Section 95 of the Immigrant and Refugee Protection Act
  • Individuals who have been selected by Canada to become Permanent Residents and have received a letter from Citizenship & Immigration Canada stating so

This program is NOT open to Refugee Claimants until their claim is accepted.

Eligibility Criteria Includes:

  • Meeting IRCC’s eligibility requirements, AND
  • Meeting the complexity, multiplicity, and severity of the barriers faced by potential participants

To Access the Moving Ahead Program

  • Please call us or come into our office so we can assess your eligibility for support.
  • You can refer yourself or you may be referred by a community partner. 
  • Services are provided for 12 – 18 months at no charge to clients. 
    “This is my chance for a new life. I want to take every opportunity in Canada to build a new life.”

    Did You Know?

    Our Moving Ahead Program began in 2012 but Archway has provided services for newcomers for almost 50 years. 

    Funded by:


    Office Hours

    8:30am – 4:30pm
    Monday – Friday


    #300-2975 Gladwin Rd
    Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4


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