
Stopping the Violence

Counselling for females and non-binary individuals who have experienced sexual assault, sexual abuse or intimate partner violence

Stopping the Violence

The Stopping the Violence program offers counselling from a feminist perspective for individuals identifying as female or non-binary who have experienced sexual abuse, sexual assault, and/or intimate partner violence.

Who We Help

  • Individuals identifying as female or non-binary over 18 who have been abused and live in Abbotsford.
  • Please note that counselling sessions are intended to offer emotional support and coping skills. Counsellors cannot offer a professional opinion for diagnostic or court purposes.

To Access Counselling

  • We take professional or self-referrals.
  • There is no charge for counselling and services.
  • To book an intake session, please email montrose@archway.ca.

Did You Know?

Archway has been providing a variety of counselling services since 1969.

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Christmas Bureau Wrap-up

Christmas Bureau Wrap-up

As we move into a brand new year, we are taking some time to reflect on the busy holiday season at the Christmas Bureau.

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