Foundry Abbotsford celebrated its first year of operation with a celebration for the youth they serve, their families and the centre’s partners. In addition to enjoying an ice cream sundae bar, attendees played games and won door prizes donated by local businesses.
Foundry Abbotsford provides local youth and their families with integrated wellness services, such as physical and mental health care, substance use supports, social services, and youth and family peer supports.
“From the day we opened our doors, we have seen a significant number of youth seeking help,” said Laurel Jarvis, manager of Foundry Abbotsford.
Since officially opening in June 2018, the centre has served over 1600 youth who made 5500 visits accessing over 9200 services in total. Foundry was set-up to be a one-stop shop for ages 12 to 24, and a youth accessing one service can be immediately referred to another service in the same visit.
“Almost a third of our clients shared that they would not have accessed another service if they didn’t have Foundry to come to,” said Jarvis. “By having a safe and welcoming space we’ve been able to help those who typically don’t reach out.
The majority of the clients accessed sexual or physical health services through the youth health clinic. Mental health services were also in high demand and 231 youth were able access walk-in counselling at no charge.
The centre – operated by Archway Community Services – brings together a variety of local organizations, including services provided by Fraser Health, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, and other community partners to transform the way substance use, mental health and wellness services are provided to the city’s youth.
Foundry Abbotsford is one of eight sites now open across the province, joining two locations in Vancouver (Granville and the North Shore), Kelowna, Campbell River, Penticton, Prince George and Victoria. There are an additional three centres are in development.
Foundry Abbotsford continues to fundraise in order to run at full capacity and increase the number of youth it can serve. To support Foundry in Abbotsford please visit Archway.ca/donate.
“By having a safe and welcoming space, we’ve been able to help those who typically don’t reach out.”