
Eagle's Nest Early Learning Centre

Childcare and out-of-school care at the Irene Kelleher Totí:ltawtxw Elementary School

Eagle’s Nest Early Learning Centre

The Eagle’s Nest Learning Centre opened September 2022 at the Irene Kelleher Totí:ltawtxw Elementary School on Eagle Mountain. The centre provides childcare for children up to five, and before and after school care.

Eagle’s Nest is operated by Archway Community Services, in partnership with the Abbotsford School District, with funding from the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

How To Join the Waitlist

*Please note that all our waitlists are currently closed.

All spaces in the childcare and out-of-school care are currently full, with waitlists. To add your name to the waitlist please email at EaglesNest@archway.ca with the following details:

  1. Parent’s Name
  2. Name and age of child(ren)
  3. Desired days of the week (and times for out-of-school care)
  4. Whether or not you are in the Eagle Mountain catchment area

You will receive a confirmation message and then be contacted if and when a spot opens up.


The Eagle’s Nest Early Learning Centre is part of the ChildCareBC program which means we can offer spaces for $10 a day.

Infant and Toddler Childcare

  • Spaces: 12 spaces. This program is currently full.
  • Ages: Under three years old
  • Hours of Operation: 7:00am – 6:00pm
  • Fees: $10 a day or $200 per month
  • Click for more details

3 to 5 Year Old Childcare

  • Spaces: 42 spaces. This program is currently full.
  • Ages: Ages three to five
  • Hours of Operation: 7:00am – 6:00pm
  • Fees: $10 a day or $200 per month
  • Click for more details

Out of School Care program

  • Spaces: 40 spots. This program is currently full.
  • Ages: Ages 6 to 11
  • Days: Open Monday to Friday including Pro-D Days and during the summer
  • Hours of Operation:
    • Morning Session – 7:00am – 9:15am
    • Afternoon Session 3:15pm – 6:00pm
  • Fees: $10 a day or $200 per month
  • Click for more details.


Eagle’s Nest Care Plan

The Eagle’s Nest Early Learning Centre is dedicated to the principles provided in the Early Learning Framework:

  • Children are strong, capable in their uniqueness and full of potential.
  • Families have the most important role in contributing to children’s well-being and learning.
  • Educators are researchers and collaborators.
  • Early years spaces are inclusive.
  • People build connection and reconnection to land, culture, community, and place.
  • Environments are integral to well-being and learning.
  • Play is integral to well-being and learning.
  • Relationships are the context for well-being and learning.
  • Learning is holistic.

The Eagle’s Nest Learning Centre believes in the importance of understanding and engaging in the process of Truth, and Reconciliation. Staff and children will be provided opportunities to explore the heritage and importance of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples.

Did You Know?

Archway has been providing services for families since 1969 and childcare services since 1976.

We acknowledge that we live, play and work on the Traditional, Ancestral, Unceded, and Shared territories of the Stó:lō people which includes the Sema:th and Matheqwí First Nations.


2540 Eagle Mountain Drive
Abbotsford, BC
V3G 3A1

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