Betty Lou has been coming to Discovery for over 33 years. Her cheerful smile is contagious, especially as she shares what she likes most about attending; arts and crafts, knitting, outings with friends and physical activities like bowling and hiking. Two years ago, Betty Lou traveled to Disneyland with other Discovery participants. She especially loved the Teacups ride but recalls there was so much walking.
Betty Lou takes pride in being helpful, whether she’s baking at Discovery, lending a hand for the last 24 years at Archway’s Lunch with the Bunch Seniors program or volunteering with Food Bank hamper delivery. She’s even been recognized as Hero of the Week for her willingness to assist.
Betty Lou lives with four other ladies. They all attend Discovery and have lots to keep them busy at home and in the community. She loves using public transportation to run errands or attend activities and social gatherings.
At the time we met with her, Betty Lou was eagerly anticipating what summer would bring for Discovery participants. Her favourite activities in the past have included the PNE, Agrifair and horse show.