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Farhad* and his family arrived in Canada in September 2022 and have since been settling in Abbotsford. They are Government-assisted Refugees who fled Afghanistan when the Taliban took over in August 2021. They lived in a refugee camp in Abu Dhabi for over a year while they were waiting for the Canadian government to process and approve their refugee application.
There are many challenges that refugees face on arrival: language barriers, culture shock, lack of employment, trauma, and lack of material resources. Additionally, one huge difficulty for newcomers in Abbotsford is transportation.
Farhad and his family were able to purchase a modest used vehicle after living in Abbotsford for four months. With three children under the age of five, Farhad needed two car seats and one booster seat, placing additional financial strain on his family’s limited resources. For many refugees, choosing between purchasing necessary items such as car seats or providing food and housing for their families is a constant struggle.
Farhad was given one car seat from a friend. After learning of the situation Archway was able to provide an additional car seat and booster seat for Farhad’s young children with the support of donors. Now the family can safely travel together in the same vehicle.
Farhad shared, “As a newcomer, we were facing lots of challenges. So Archway provided for my little kids, car seats, which are very important for safety.
“I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me and my family. I know firsthand the barriers that newcomers face when they are coming to Canada. I really appreciate your kindness.”
Donations to Archway’s Refugee and Immigrant Services will help provide families such as Farhad’s with the help they need to safely settle into our community. Your gift is a tangible way to demonstrate your caring and compassion for newcomers fleeing war, oppression and violence.
* Real name withheld
“I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me and my family. I know firsthand the barriers that newcomers face when they are coming to Canada. I really appreciate your kindness.”