The employment services for immigrants provided by Career Paths helped Sumit get a job

The Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants program at Archway helps newcomers find jobs related to their former careers. It’s designed to break the stereotype of doctors driving taxis and provides services for immigrants through one-to-one support, financial assistance, and training by employment counsellors.

When Sumit Paul Singh immigrated to Canada in 2016, he planned to open a physiotherapy clinic like the clinics he had owned in India. He quickly found out that his licensing didn’t transfer and the process of getting certified was long and expensive. In a moment of desperation, Sumit considered other jobs such as becoming a security guard or care aide so he could support his family.

When he became connected with the Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants program, he began to feel like he could “get his life back.” After 20 months in the program, he obtained licensing and is proud to be the first Registered Manual Osteopath in BC.

He now works full-time as a Registered Manual Osteopath at the Newleaf Total Wellness Centre and various other clinics.

“It was a total transition of my life and now I’m living my dreams,” said Sumit. “It gave me direction, knowledge, financial support and better understanding to reach my goal to become a Registered Manual Osteopath in such a short period of time.”

“It’s so rewarding to see our clients regain hope and independence,” said Mary Finch, the program coordinator for Career Paths. “With the continuing labour shortage, it’s in everyone’s best interests to have workers using their full potential.”

“Our program is tailored to each individual to help them find something suitable and figure out the steps to obtaining meaningful employment using their experience or training abroad. The barriers newcomers face can be financial or sometimes it’s just a lack of awareness of the Canadian working culture that stops them from getting hired.”

Access the employment services for immigrants or learn more about the program through the Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants page. Funding for Career Paths is provided by the Province of British Columbia and Government of Canada.

“It gave me direction, knowledge, financial support and better understanding to reach my goal.”

Sumit Paul Singh

Registered Manual Osteopath, Newleaf Total Wellness Centre

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