Brad, a client in the STRIDE program in his office.
Brad had enjoyed over 15 years of semi-retirement before changing circumstances forced him back into the job market.
The COVID pandemic had a negative impact on their finances so Brad and his wife, Joanne, began looking for work in 2021. Brad had a background in chiropractic care, while Joanne worked in the dental field. However, their prolonged absence from the professional world made it difficult for Brad to secure suitable employment in a management position, despite his experience and extensive education.
Even though Brad had been writing cover letters for over a year, he was frustrated at receiving only four interviews for jobs that weren’t aligned with his skill set.
Brad kept looking and was becoming increasingly desperate for a position. He ended up accepting a survival job at a deli counter, but it wasn’t long before he realized that it wasn’t the right fit for him. He respectfully apologized to his employer and left the position. That’s when he came to the Archway Skills Training Results in Directed Education / Employment (STRIDE) program.
STRIDE helped him refine his cover letter and resume and opened his eyes to opportunities and job search avenues that he hadn’t been aware of.
“Being semi-retired for so long, I became out of touch with how to apply for and find jobs. STRIDE gave me guidance on how to look for jobs in today’s market,” said Brad.
“Being semi-retired for so long, I became out of touch with how to apply for and find jobs. STRIDE gave me guidance on how to look for jobs in today’s market.”
With an aging workforce and changing job market, programs like STRIDE provide valuable support and resources to help mature professionals navigate the job search process and secure meaningful employment. Through group classes and one-on-one training, STRIDE is bridging the gap between the experienced workforce and the job market’s evolving needs.
“The STRIDE staff work to stay informed on current job trends, hiring practices, and what employers are looking for in a candidate,” said Lea Langford, STRIDE program Employment Facilitator.
“We help our clients discover possible careers and then help them showcase their strengths to employers who would benefit from having mature and experienced professionals on their team.”
STRIDE helped Brad to market his skillset during interviews and familiarized him with what is expected by hiring teams. He then began to receive interview requests with companies that sought out his management experience.
Brad eventually secured a position as a manager at a storage facility and successfully completed his probationary period, proving himself to be a valuable asset to the company.
After seeing the results of the program first-hand, Brad encouraged his wife to attend the STRIDE classes. STRIDE paid for upgrading courses which led Joanne to a job in bookkeeping.
“If it wasn’t for STRIDE, I’d probably still be sitting in a chair writing cover letters the wrong way so I would not hesitate to send people to this program. I am grateful that Joanne and I found it and cannot say enough positive things about the program,” said Brad.

STRIDE team Gerry, Frank, and Lea
“We help our clients discover possible careers and then help them showcase their strengths to employers who would benefit from having mature and experienced professionals on their team.”