woman wearing hijab holds produce at food bank

Louise with some of the Archway Seniors Department

Louise began her volunteer journey by bringing her dog Chloe to the hospital to meet patients. “I would always dress my dog up in different clothes and the patients would light up when Chloe and I visited them,” said Louise. The joy that Chloe was able to bring inspired Louise to broaden her horizons. She began volunteering with the Archway Meals on Wheels program seven years ago with Chloe alongside for the ride.

Louise now volunteers in the community of Abbotsford seven days a week, including three days a week with Meals on Wheels. Using food donations from Save-On Foods, she prepares meals to give out to marginalized individuals including youth, seniors and those living on the street. She works with local organizations such as Union Gospel Mission, Salvation Army, and Cedar Outreach who help distribute the prepared meals.

“Louise makes 100s of sandwiches every day for the marginalized populations in Abbotsford. I can’t imagine what the community would do without her,” said Meredith Lee Sperling, Archway’s Volunteer Coordinator.

When Louise personally delivers the sandwiches to those living on the streets, she sees how appreciative they are. “It motivates me to keep on going when they are happy to see me.”

Archway volunteer with over 100 hand-made sandwiches

“Louise makes 100s of sandwiches every day for the marginalized populations in Abbotsford. I can’t imagine what the community would do without her.”

Meredith Lee Sperling

Archway Volunteer Coordinator

Archway volunteer

Louise was recognized for her tireless community work with an Archway Community Builder’s Award in 2022.

Natalia Deros, Archway Senior Services Supervisor, introduced Louise at the awards ceremony and shared, “In many ways, Louise is a one-woman force for food security in Abbotsford. She is gifted at creating partnerships with organizations and businesses in Abbotsford. People can’t help but be inspired by her enthusiasm for the equitable access of all to good nutritious food.”

“I am just wanting to give back to the community, to help people that can use a helping hand with food. I have been very blessed and feel that this is a little way that I can help,” shared Louise.

Volunteer accepts award with two Archway employees

Louise accepts an award at the 2022 Community Builders Awards for her outstanding volunteerism

“Louise is a one-woman force for food security in Abbotsford.”

Natalia Deros

Archway Senior Services Supervisor

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