Fundraisers, Immigrant Integration, News, Press Release
Anti-gang youth workers have continued to support at-risk youth with modified services to meet the unique challenges that have emerged during the COVID pandemic. The In It Together program, which is part of Archway Community Services, seeks to disrupt the flow of...
Foundry, News, Press Release
Foundry Abbotsford celebrated its second year in operation with a virtual bingo event on June 19th. Foundry Abbotsford provides local youth between 12 and 24 and their families with integrated wellness services, such as physical and mental health care, substance use...
Immigrant Integration, Stories
Spring break; a chance to relax, have fun, spend time with friends and family. But this year, while many were beginning to enjoy spring break, the COVID-19 pandemic was evolving rapidly. This left employers, families and organizations scrambling. Our Archway Language...
Immigrant Integration, Uncategorized
“The smooth transition from face-to-face to online was only made possible due to an incredibly supportive LINC management team and a truly remarkable group of students. My students’ commitment to learning and building a vibrant and supportive online community far...
Diversity Education, Events, News, Press Release
The Fraser Valley Human Dignity Coalition (FVHDC), a local group addressing issues of racism, is holding its quarterly meeting on June 18th. The group meets to discuss reported cases of racism and discrimination, hear presentations and discuss community issues,...