Diverse Abilities, Stories
Betty Lou has been coming to Discovery for over 33 years. Her cheerful smile is contagious, especially as she shares what she likes most about attending; arts and crafts, knitting, outings with friends and physical activities like bowling and hiking. Two years ago,...
Diverse Abilities, Stories
Donna has been attending the Discovery program for so long she’s lost track; staff estimate around 15 to 20 years. The activities and friendship that Discovery provides round out Donna’s week. She also enjoys time with family who live in Vancouver, particularly her...
Diverse Abilities, Stories
“People get lots of help, do things together and help other people.” Martin Discovery Program Participant Martin is a long-time participant in our Discovery program, attending for more than 10 years. Sharing his experiences with the program makes him feel...
Diverse Abilities, Events, News, Press Release
October is National Disability Employment Awareness month, so it is fitting that the third annual Inclusive Employer Excellence Awards will honour employers who make it a part of their business plan to hire people living with diverse abilities this month. The event,...
Counselling, Foundry, News
October 10th is World Mental Health Day, a day marked by the World Health Organization to raise awareness about mental health issues and mobilize efforts in support of mental health. This year the WHO is focusing on suicide prevention.Suicide PreventionDid you know...
Family & Children, Fundraisers, Stories
Have you ever faced challenges in your life that left you feeling alone and disconnected? Did you need people around you to rally? As a supporter of Archway and a champion of Abbotsford’s community, we invite you to share a place at the table with us. Meet Megan. At...