Addiction, Counselling, Diverse Abilities, Donors, Events, Family & Children, Food Security, Funding, Fundraisers, Immigrant Integration, Legal Advocacy & Information, News, Press Release, Program, Recycling, Seniors, Staff, Supportive Housing and Homelessness Prevention
Abbotsford Community Services Changes Name to Archway Community Services We’re excited to announce that Abbotsford Community Services will now be known as Archway Community Services! This change will be more inclusive for the clients we serve beyond Abbotsford...
News, Press Release, Youth
On Thursday, May 23rd, New Beginnings Young Parent program participants gathered to thank the community partners who helped them graduate in the midst of parenting at the annual Thank You Tea. New Beginnings is a partnership between the Abbotsford School District,...
Funding, In It Together, News
United Way of the Lower Mainland is generously providing $70,000 to our gang-prevention program In It Together. The funding was announced as part of the Fraser Valley Community Spirit Awards May 7. Together with $100,000 in support given earlier in the year and funds...