In It Together, Indigenous, Stories
Harley loves performing hip-hop on stage. But there is one song that he can’t bring himself to perform in public. While he can sometimes write and record a song in less than half an hour, this particular song took months to write and record. Once recorded, he waited a...
Immigrant Integration, Stories
In less than two years, Hevin has made great strides. From a young refugee starting school in a new country and a new language to a dedicated student receiving a major Award of Excellence at her Abbotsford secondary school, she’s risen above the challenges life has...
Events, Foundry, News, Youth
Foundry Abbotsford has officially opened its doors, providing local youth and their families with supports for their mental health, substance use and overall wellness needs. “There is nothing more important than ensuring young people get the support they need to take...
Events, Immigrant Integration, News
On June 19th, over 200 English Language students attended the first annual Celebration of Learning awards ceremony at the Matsqui Auditorium. The adult students are a part of our Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) and Access2English programs. The LINC...