
Employment Services in Abbotsford

Providing access to multiple employment services for all individuals

How We Help

The employment services department at Archway provides employment support for immigrants, agriculture workers, seniors, and those with disabilities. We help individuals gain work experience, imporve their skills and find employment within their field.

young boy sits on his dad's shoulders

Career Paths For Skilled Immigrants

Helping skilled immigrants gain experience, find employment or improve employment within their field.

woman places hands in shape of heart on pregnant belly

Community Legal Advocacy Centre

Offering information, advice, referrals and representation on Income Assistance, disability applications, Residential Tenancy, Employment Insurance and Canada Pension issues. 

committee members discuss ideas while sitting in a circle

Community Van Service

Helping individuals and families without transportation attend appointments, commitments, services and community activities within the city of Abbotsford. 

adults with diverse abilities about to wash a car

Employing People in the Community

Assisting persons with developmental disabilities to attain paid employment opportunities through job searching, job preparation, on-site training and support. 

senior enjoying a healthy cooked meal

Employment Mentors

Supporting professional immigrants re-enter their respective career in the Canadian labor market through meaningful one-on-one mentorship connections, industry specific networking, soft skills training and employment coaching. 

Happy family in the park carrying kids on their back

In It Together

Supporting youth ages 11- 24 at risk of gang involvement or currently gang involved and their families, through individualized outreach services, skill-building, counselling and recreation. 

Parents sitting on floor with their children in a parenting class

Job Connections for Immigrants

Helping immigrants gain language and employment skills and industry-recognized certifications.

family figure cut out in front of a judge's gavel and the scales of justice on a desk

Legal Advocacy for Agricultural Workers

Assisting agricultural workers with legal issues related to employment, tenancy, Employment Insurance, debt, Canadian Pension Plan, WorkSafeBC and disability. 

senior getting help with her income taxes over the phone

Migrant Workers Program

Promoting legal education and increasing awareness among migrant workers about their rights and responsibility in the workplace. 

Young parent and child reading books together in the library

Stride For Older Workers

Supporting older workers to achieve sustainable employment through skills training and employment supports. 

Interested in learning more about these employment programs and services?
Please click on a program above for more details and contact information.

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